
Roman Tschäppeler and Mikael Krogerus manage to captivate any audience. Their keynotes about modern work life are educational, funny and in high demand.
On a chalkboard (but everything else is dry as dust), they answer the eternal questions of working life with just a few strokes: How do I make the right decisions? How do you work with people you don't like? Why does everything always take longer than planned? What is actually a "good idea"?
They arouse the audience's intellectual curiosity and guide them through the world of New Work in a lively and humorous way: it's about decision making and collaboration, agility and design thinking, leadership and risk management.
In short, it is about the new life skills, i.e. the skills that we need to master in a digitalized, fragmented and globalized working world. The audience will encounter familiar models and rules of thumb such as the Pareto principle, Hofstadter's law and the deep work technique. And lesser-known ones such as the PhD plateau, the Machiavelli matrix or the ketchup principle.
As in their books, Krogerus & Tschäppeler show in their lectures the extraordinary ability to make sense of psychological and scientific phenomena. It is theory in its most practical form: clever, short, visual, applicable - presented with a wink.
Theory in practical form
Unique yet adaptable
Decision-making, teamwork & collaboration, communication theory, life skills and rules of thumb for modern (working) life - adaptable to many current conference and congress topics
Lectures in German, Swiss German/German and English. French can be added in shreds. In addition, RTMK are used to talk in front of theoreticians, but also in front of practitioners, with CEOs as well as with students.
Abraxas ICT I ACTE Association of Corporate Travel Executives Summit; Copenhagen DK &
Atlanta USA | Acceleris Technology Day | Allianz Versicherungen I Assistants
Day Zurich I AXA Innovation Award | Amadeus SMT; Helsinki | Appway Conference |
Arosa Humorfestival | Astella Pharma; Hungary & Bulgaria | Austrian
Innovation Forum; Vienna | AXPO Group | AXPO Hydro & Biomass | Begasoft
I Berninvest | Berner Generationenhaus I Berag Pensionskassen DL I Best
Marketing Estonia; Tallinn | Braun; London UK | Federal Office of Information &
Communication | Callnet | Call To Action - Ideas for the Future I Campus Sursee
I CFA Swiss Pension Conference | CFMT; Milan & Rome ITA | CINFO | CoiffeurSuisse
I Coop | Creative Camp (SGD, SGV) | Credit Suisse Business Management | DSV
Dachverband Schweizer Verteilnetzbetreiber | Deutsche Welthungerhilfe; Bonn GER
| Diakoniewerk Neumünster I Directorate of Justice and Home Affairs Canton of Zurich I
Federal Department of Defense, Civil Protection and Sport |
Ergon I Endress & Hauser Flowtec | Easyjet; London UK | Embedded Computing
Conference | Emotion Women's Day, Hamburg GER I ETH Zurich | ewp I ExpertSuisse
I Familienunternhemer Kongress; Witten Herdecke GER | Feminist Salon
Zurich | FHNW Architecture I Frankfurt Book Fair, GER | Galenica | Gähler
& Partner AG | GastroBern I Gatwick Airport, London UK | Annual Reports
Symposium Rüschlikon | GfM Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Marketing | GHP
Arbitrium Financial Services | GVZ Gebäudeversicherung Kanton Zürich | Hasso
Plattner Institute; Berlin GER | Hewelett Packard Innovation Day | Hirslanden
Group | Human Week, TUR | Inselspital Bern | University Clinic for
Gynecology | Disability Insurance Canton of Bern I Young Chamber of Commerce
Basel | J. Safra Sarasin | Linth-Kongress | Kantonsspital Basel Land | Kaufleuten
Kultur, Zurich I Kaufmännischer Verband Zürich | Kernkraftwerk Gösgen | KMU
Tagung St. Gallen I Kursaal AG Bern, 3K I KTV Künstlerbörse Thun | KVS
Küchen-Verband Schweiz | La Roche Private Banking | LabMed Bern | Leaders Club
| London Business Forum; London | Ludwig & Partner, Basel | LUKS Luzerner
Kantonsspital I Luzerner Management Forum I Marketing Tag Biel-Bienne | Master
Management | Mathys Ltd | Mattig-Suter und Partner | Migros Aare | MOVETIA
I NZZ | Pädagogische Hochschule Bern | Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich I
Parlamentsdienste Schweiz | Paul kommt auch | PINC Conference Netherland; Zeist
| Planzer | Postfinance | Prager Dreyfuss | publisuisse Award | Regionales
Schulinspektorat Oberland | Dr. Röthlisberger AG I SBVV Swiss Booksellers'
and Publishers' Association | Schools Cham I Swiss Master Builders' Association |
Swiss National Bank I Swiss Post I Seeland Gas | SIA
Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects and Architects Association | SRG SSR | Stucki Leadership
| STS - Swiss Tunnelling Society | SWICA | Swiss Economic Forum | Swiss
Innovation Forum | Swiss Prime Site | Swisscom Banking Service | Swisscom
Customer Experience Forum | Swisscom Human Centered Design | Swisscom IT
Services | Swiss Saftey Center AG I Tec & Tonic Kunsthaus Zurich, Ergon AG |
TEDx Bern | TEDx Danubia; Budapest | Thomas Knecht Management AG I Top of Toolpoint,
Winterthur I UBS Marketing | UBS Innovation Forum I University of Bern, Night of
Research | University Hospital Basel I Urban Land Institute; Warsaw | UVEK
I Swiss Press Association | Vitra | Vögele Cultural Center | VOGT Lecture,
Lausanne I Weisse Arena Group, Laax I WEMF | Women Finance Conference| XUND
Lucerne | Zugerberg Finanz AG I ZHDK, Museum of Design | Zürich liest,
Kaufleuten | Zurich Airport | Zürich liest I Zürcher Kantonalbank

For big stages...
From PINC Conference to Swiss Economic Forum

... and for small ones.
From the Berner Generationhaus to Vitra Sessions.

Mikael Krogerus
Journalist and Kaospilot

Roman Tschäppeler
Creative Producer at guzo, Kaospilot